Student Activity and Service Fee Advisory Committee (SASFAC)
The Student Activity and Service Fee Advisory Committee is charged annually by the Provost and the Executive Vice President for Administration with providing recommendations and advice regarding a fee structure that supports excellence with procedures that are comprehensive and uniform without sacrificing efficiency and flexibility.
President's Task Force for Combating Sexual Violence and Supporting Our Students
In February 2022, the President’s Task Force for Combating Sexual Violence and Supporting Our Students was formed by President Radenka Maric. Twenty-two members of the President's committee were charged specifically with:
“…evaluating how the University of Connecticut educates, prevents and responds to sexual violence. This includes how students are educated on the topics of sexual violence, the standard of consent, healthy relationships, incapacitation, and bystander programs. In addition, this committee is charged with the intentional review of all relevant procedures designed to support students who are participating in the process of reporting sexual violence including how policy, process, Title IX obligations, and support are shared with students.”
Over the course of the Spring 2022 semester, the Task Force met to evaluate and understand the University’s role in sexual violence prevention, education, and access to support and resources. Sexual violence in this report is defined as sexual assault, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation. As a group of colleagues and students from across the University, everyone contributed their knowledge and expertise to the Task Force. The following report addresses both the intentions of the charge as well as our own discoveries:
President's Task Force on Mental Health and Wellness
In March 2020, UConn President Thomas Katsouleas announced the formation of the President’s Task Force on Mental Health and Wellness. He appointed task force members who represent faculty, staff, and students from various units across the University. He identified the mental health and wellness needs of our students as a top University priority.
President Katsouleas charged the committee with the following:
“to review current efforts and practices; identify areas of diminished capacity; and identify priorities for best practices and expansion of care for our students.
The work of the committee built upon efforts to address these issues including UConn's partnership with the JED Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to the promotion of mental health, emotional health and suicide prevention among youth by becoming a designated JED Campus and the Healthy Minds Study which assesses student attitudes, behaviors, and awareness of mental health issues. The University also contracted with the Keeling Group for a comprehensive assessment of mental health services, processes, and organizational structures. Based on that assessment, Keeling developed recommendations specific to the UConn community.