Planning, Assessment, & Evaluation


The Director of Planning, Assessment, and Evaluation provides leadership and expertise to staff to increase Division-wide understanding of the impact and influence of our policies, systems, and programs on the student experience. With a focus on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, the Director works to enhance the capacity of staff to translate assessment results into effective practice that supports student success.


Theory of Practice

Overview of the Division of Student Life and Enrollment Logic Model

Logic Model

Key Performance Indicators

Coming soon - strategic plan for meeting SLE KPIs

Coming Soon


Coming soon -- Executive summaries/annual reports towards meeting strategic priorities (KPIs)

Coming Soon

Assessment & Evaluation

The Assessment & Evaluation Process

Overview of the Process for Division Staff

Initiating Projects

Resources & Forms

Forms and helpful resources to guide you throughout the process.

Resources & Forms

Assessment Portal

Coming soon - information on available SLE survey and assessment opportunities for students, faculty, and staff.

Coming Soon